Trichoscan as a professional hair examination tool

Excessive hair loss

Excessive hair loss is a problem that affects people all over the world. A lot of people struggle with the problem of hair loss. People can lose between 50 – 100 individual hairs per day. Hair loss is part of a natural balance – some hair falls out while others grow back. When the balance is disturbed – when hair falls out and less hair grows – hair loss occurs. There are many reasons for this process, for example:

  • stress – during periods of increased nervousness and stress – the consequence contributes to hair loss,
  • improper diet – hair loss may be due to a shortage of vitamins and minerals,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • improper hair and scalp care – for example: frequent dyeing, bleaching or the use of strong styling hair products,
  • medications – some medications can causes side effects in the form of hair loss,
  • thyroid disease – large amounts of hair loss can be a symptom of thyroid problems,
  • diseases.

Hair anatomy and hair growth

Hair is a keratinous filament growing out of the epidermis. It is primarily made of columns of dead, keratinized cells. Hair is characterized by a complex structure, consisting of shaft, hair roots and the hair follicle. Strands of hair originate in an epidermal penetration of the dermis called the hair follicle.

The hair follicle regulate the hair growth. It is located in the middle layer of the skin and is nourished by a richly vascularized wart. Hair growth is not a continuous process, but it is characterized by 3 different phases.

  • The anagen phase (growing phase). During this phase, the hair follicle cells intensively divide themselves to produce new hair. Anagen can last from 2 years to 7 years. This phase generally refers to about 80% to 90% of the hair on the head.
  • The catagen phase (transition phase). During this period, the remodelling processes occur in the hair root. The hair matrix disappears, and the hair is pushed towards the skin. Catagen lasts from 14 to 21 days. About 1% – 2% of the hair on the scalp is in this phase.
  • The telogen phase (resting phase) concerns completely horny hair, in which metabolic processes no longer take place. Within 30-90 days, the hair bulb becomes thinner and falls out. takes about two to four months. The old hair is pushed out by the growing new hair. About 10% – 15% of a healthy patients’ hair on the scalp is in this phase.

Trichoscan – devices for hair examination

For many people, their hair is an important part of who they are. Excessive losing hair can be psychical problem for a lot of people. Appropriate cosmetics with special ingredients can help stop or slow down excessive hair loss. It may also help regrow hair. There are measurement methods that allow to confirm the effect of cosmetics on the scalp and hair. One of the devices that allow to assess the impact of a given treatment on the scalp and hair is TrichoScan.

TrichoScan is a method, combining standard epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) with automatic digital image analysis, for the measurement of human hair. TrichoScan can measure the most important parameters of hair growth immediately following correct preparation of the scalp region representative area for analysis. Determining a representative area on the scalp involves shaving a small area of hair, which ensures that the test is performed in exactly the same place before and after use the product.

This device allow to assess such parameters as:

  • Total hair count: The number of detected hairs.
  • Hair density (1/cm2): Trichoscan calculates the number of hairs detected (hair count) and the hair density (hairs /cm2).
  • Hair mass (mm/cm²): The cumulated thickness (diameters) of hairs normalized for an area of 1 cm².
  • Hair thickness median (μm): The median of the distribution of the hair thicknesses (diameters).
  • Hair thickness mean (μm): The mean of the distribution of the hair thicknesses (diameters).
  • Density vellus hairs (1/cm2): A vellus hair is thinner than 40μm. Trichoscan uses this value to identify vellus hairs in images.
  • Density terminal hairs (1/cm2): A terminal hair is thicker than 40μm. Trichoscan uses this value to identify terminal hairs in images.
  • Ratio vellus hairs (%): Ratio of vellus hairs to total hairs.
  • Ratio terminal hairs (%): Ratio of terminal hairs to total hairs.
  • Anagen hairs (%): Ratio of anagen hairs to total hairs.
  • Telogen hairs (%): Ratio of telogen hairs to total hairs.
  • Hair length median (mm): Median of the distribution of the estimated hair length.

Trichoscan is a very precise, non-invasive device that allows to assess the effects of anti-hair loss cosmetics, which is very important for producer and consumer.

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