The influence of cosmetics on wrinkles – how to confirm it?

Wrinkles, the causes of their formation and the most common types

Skin aging is a complex multifactorial progressive process, and one of its natural part is the formation of wrinkles. Wrinkles are folds, lines or creases on your skin, that appear on the face and body as the skin loses elasticity, the amount of collagen over time and becomes thinner.

In addition to natural aging processes, wrinkles appear also as a result of smoking cigarettes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun (also known as photoaging), gravity and genetics. Repetitive facial expressions like smiling, frowning, squinting and other habitual also contribute to the formation of wrinkles. The amount of wrinkles an individual is additionally influenced by biological, genetic, and environmental factors.

Wrinkles are divided into:

Static wrinkles are present even the face is at the rest and are more influenced by factors such as aging, sun exposure and genetics. They are often the result of dynamic wrinkles that have deepened over time.

Dynamic wrinkles are formed due to repeated facial expressions and over time can become more pronounced.

Wrinkles are also categorized into various types based on their location and characteristics, among others like mimic wrinkles (expression lines), gravitational folds, structural wrinkles, elastotic wrinkles, anthropic wrinkles, compression wrinkles (also known as sleep wrinkles) and smoker’s wrinkles.

We can influence, how the wrinkles appear on the skin, among others, by using cosmetics, which reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

How to confirm it?

Wrinkles are objects of in vivo study aimed at checking the effectiveness of cosmetic products of minimizing their effects. To evaluate the cosmetic product efficacy in scope of wrinkles reducing, we can used the device like:

Visioline ® 650 Quantiride

The Visioline® VL 650 is a special measuring device manufactured by Courage + Khazaka Company.

The measurement is based on skin replica and oblique lighting. The skin replica is illuminated with oblique light and the mountains representing the wrinkles of the skin produce measurable shadows which are digitalized by a high resolution camera and serves as a basis of different arithmetical measurements. Using this measuring equipment, we can assess the direct influence of the cosmetic product on reducing of wrinkles length [mm] and wrinkles depth [µm].

Visioscan® VC 20 plus

The Visioscan® VC 20 plus is a special measuring device manufactured by Courage + Khazaka Company.

Is a unique UV-A LED light video camera with high resolution to study the skin surface directly. The camera also contains circular diffuser for uniform illumination of the skin, a video sensor and a liquid lens. With its help, non-glossy images of the skin surface are obtained, displayed in 255 grey levels. Using this equipment we can assess the direct influence of the cosmetic product on smoothing the wrinkles. We use wrinkle parameter (SEw), which is calculated from the average number and average width of horizontal and vertical wrinkles.

Antera 3D®

Antera 3D® is a camera developed by Miravex Limited. It allows to capture high-resolution images and uses an innovative optical method and complex mathematical algorithms to acquire images in three dimensions. Using this equipment we can assess the direct influence of the cosmetic product on reducing of wrinkle depth, length, width and count. Wrinkles length [mm] is a sum of all wrinkles length in the selected region. Wrinkles width [mm] is the average width of the wrinkles selected. Wrinkles depth [mm] is the average depth of all the wrinkles selected. Count is he number of individual wrinkles detected inside the selected region.

Primos CR 300

Special measuring device manufactured by Canfield Scientific, Inc. The Primos – CR enables high quality 3D image capture of small to medium field subjects for precise measurement of skin texture and wrinkles. Using this equipment we can assess the direct influence of the cosmetic product on reducing of wrinkles depth [mm], volume [mm3], surface area [mm2] and smoothing the skin surface (SPa parameter [μm]).

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